Saturday, February 3, 2007


The first post..

I approach 21 this year. Suddenly, I come to realise friends have walked in and out of my life. And they have left footprints behind.

As we move to adulthood, we move in different directions in life. We may not have time to see, call or even message once another. We might not even talk when we see one another pop up on MSN. This is the reason for setting up this blog. Old friends can check out interesting updates in my life. New friends can know more about me.

Yup, I guess that's all for now.

To all who have made and are going to make ripples and waves in my life, welcome and welcome back.

-= Joke of the Post =-

Trouble, Manners, and Shut Up were good friends.

One day, Trouble was arrested by the police for smuggling in pirated DVDs from Malaysia. Trouble and Manners decided to bail their buddy.

At the police station, Manners, who was quite retarded, decided to stay outside to avoid saying the wrong things. So Shut Up went in alone. The conversation went something like this..

Policeman: Welcome. What's your name?
Shut Up: Shut Up!
Policeman: Where are your manners?
Shut Up: Outside.
Policeman: Are you looking for trouble?
Shut Up: Yes!

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