Friday, February 23, 2007

From thespian to lesbian

I watched
Epic Movie on 15th Feb with Ah Wee, William, Randy and Hock Soon,
Ghost Rider on 16th Feb with Eugene,
Just Follow Law on 19th Feb with my mum, sis and bro,
Protege on 20th Feb with Randy, Hock Soon, Hern Khoon and Wei Meng, and
Notes on a Scandal on 22nd Feb with Hui Xin.

And I believe I have just set my newest personal movie record. Don't ask me why, I have no idea how I clocked this achievement.

Anyway, I need to fulfil my egotistical knack for commenting on every movie I saw. Protege is a typical Hong Kong mafia flick, starring a very charismatic Andy Lau and eye candies Louis Koo and Daniel Wu. Just Follow Law had me gaping with a crotch-scratching Fann Wong. I like Jack Neo's insightful and hilarious jibes at officialdom, but as usual, his movies turn quite preachy and melodramatic at the end. But both are festive and friendly box-office films for everyone to enjoy.

However, the heavyweight, in my opinion, lies in Notes on a Scandal. Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett truly live up to their Oscar nominations by delivering evocative and nuanced performances. Judi Dench, my favourite granny actor, is truly scary yet humanly as a psycho lesbian that it is quite disturbing at some points. Her obvious disdain for the students in her school, her barbed remarks towards her incompetent colleagues, her muted outrage at her betrayal, her subtle manipulation of Cate Blanchett, every pore (and wrinkle) of her oozes the thespian air. While the Academy judges might find her and the show too dysfunctional, I think Helen Mirren of The Queen should abdicate in favour of this Grand Dame.

Anyway, Hui Xin found the freckles-infested 15 years-old guy Cate Blanchett had a affair with quite cute. I thought he was ok only.

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